Final Exams Continue At the Faculty of Information Technology

Final Exams Continue At the Faculty of Information Technology

The final tests continued for the fall 2019-2020 at the Faculty of Information Technology (IT), where on Thursday conducted the testing of a material provided in software engineering under the supervision of Professor A. Hoida Al-Marzki, a subject that deals with the basic topics in software engineering such as models used in software development and how to deal with large software, and study the requirements of different systems of different types, and then analyze them in many ways, in addition to studying the design methods of those requirements analyzed for example (UML), as well as the concepts of the implementation of the software and the testing of quality, in addition to the study of the design methods of those requirements analyzed for example (UML), as well as the concepts of the implementation of the software and the testing of quality, including the most important standards of the Global material.

The students also conducted a test in Network Security under the supervision of Professor Dr. Younis Al Badri, a subject on the topics of securing network infrastructure in terms of equipping network equipment in the appropriate way to reduce the risk of penetration, as well as applying certain policies and preparations to conduct the best practices to meet potential threats and how to reduce the possibility of the network stopping work or exploiting its sources.

The students also conducted a test in Network Applications under the supervision of Professor A. Rami Radwan, a subject on various topics dealing with services that are utilized through the network such as domain name service, address distribution service, etc., and the importance of this article is to provide the student with the necessary knowledge about the practical applications of the network and how to implement them in practice in order to apply them in different institutions according to their needs.

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