

During the student’s undergraduate study, computer lab sessions are compulsory parts of their study programs, where students have the opportunity to apply their programming exercises and projects.


 There are three labs in the IT faculty. One of them is related to the computer networks students which includes Sisco equipment. the other labs related to programming tasks.

Labs regulations 


The regulations are applied to organize the work inside the lab. These regulations include:

  • All students in the lab must act in a manner that does not disturb the academic activities occurring in the lab.

  • No lab student shall violate the privacy, rights, privileges, health, or safety of other lab students.

  • No eating or drinking is allowed in the labs.

  • Use of the computers is restricted to assigned work and not for personal use.

  • Do not use the equipment for any purpose other than specified; anyone who fails to comply with this request will be asked to leave the lab.

  • All students in the lab should report to the lab coordinator immediately any equipment malfunction or abuse.

  • Smoking is not allowed in the labs.

  • Any student wishing to use the lab must notify the lab Coordinator and sign-in on the attendance book.

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