احتفالا باليوم العالمي للدراجات: المنظمة الدولية تنظم مسيرة بهيجة تحتضن جميع الأعمار
Today, Saturday morning, the third of June 2023, a bicycle march started from the Sports City, crossing the main streets and squares in Benghazi, ...
يونيو 8, 2023
كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات : ورشة عمل حول assessment method Blueprint and
Out of the importance of continuous development of the capabilities of the faculty members of the Faculty of Information Technology.The training unit of the college, ...
يونيو 8, 2023
كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات : مناقشة الدبلومات التخصصية
This morning, Saturday, the sixth of May 2023, the periodic meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Information Technology was held, headed by the ...
يونيو 8, 2023